11 > 15 MAR 2024
E.B.1 Chinicato
E.B.1 Bensafrim
In this workshop we will try to create a family of animated creatures made from fabrics and clothes that we no longer use, also known as rags.
How do pants move when they don’t have legs inside? Or a sweater, what can it be transformed into? We will learn to manipulate and bring to life objects that we deal with every day and start to see them in new ways.
In the end we will have a beautiful family portrait!
Teatro de Ferro emerged in 1999. The company’s work has been developed in the field of theater (of) and with puppets and objects. Conceives their practice through investigation in which the puppet has assumed a matrix value, in its possible hybridizations. The relationships between the body-performer and the manipulated object and the involvement of each spectator in the construction of this relationship, are lines of reflection transversal to the artistic practice of Teatro de Ferro.
Concept: Igor Gandra
Trainers: Eduardo Mendes and Matilde Gandra
Production: Teatro de Ferro
Teatro de Ferro is funded by República Portuguesa / Cultura, Direção-Geral das Artes.