SUSANA DE MEDEIROS – What is a line? (Family workshop)

5 OCT 2024 / E.B. 1 Bairro Operário
5 OCT 2024 / 10h30
E.B. 1 Bairro Operário

Children 9 > 12 accompanied by an adult
Limited capacity / Upon reservation HERE / 120'


What happens when we think of movement as drawing and drawing as movement?
We trace lines when we draw, but also when we walk, travel or write! The lines we trace with our bodies can be tangled, curved, linear, rhythmic, have different densities, be side by side, above or below, form labyrinths…

Many artists have “drawn” lines in space, such as the Portuguese Fernanda Fragateiro, the German-Venezuelan Gego or the British Richard Long.
This workshop invites us to explore together the idea of Line using the movement of the body in space along different bi- and tri-dimensional materials.

Susana de Medeiros is a multidisciplinary artist (drawing, sculpture, video, photography and installation), she lives and works in the Algarve.
Her work explores the intersection between different languages and expressive media, proposing new connections between objects, images and sensory perceptions.
She has developed her projects in Portugal, as well as in Spain, Mozambique, England, the USA and Russia and has worked with various organisations on non-formal education projects in visual/performing arts and cinema.
She teaches Visual Arts at the University of the Algarve and is currently studying for a PhD in Visual Arts at the University of Porto.