MARGARIDA MESTRE – Full body workshop

NOV 2019 / Workshop
25 > 29 NOV 2019
E.B.1 Bairro Operário

What do we want to give voice to? What’s that sound like? What music is in it? How does it present itself to our eyes? How do we feel? How can we register it in space? And on paper?…

Experiences of movement, words, sounds, images and senses, in a place of freedom that mixes the life that exists with the one we want to question and invent.
A place where we appropriate, with the whole body and with all the will, of what children choose as important and through the language of artistic creation we give it a sense, exercising the future capacity to build worlds and to trust them.

Margarida Mestre studied pedagogy (Infant Teacher), sound design at I.F.I.C.T, and Dance in Fórum-Dança, along with many workshops in the dance and performance field in Lisbon, Madrid and N.Y.. Did her Master in Performance Art – Mouvement Theatre at Escola Superior de Teatro e Cinema, Lisboa.
Has been developing a research and practise around body and voice work from which some performance pieces have come out either for adults or, and lately, for young people.
Studied voice with: Shelley Hirsch and Lynn Book (both in N.Y.), David Moss, Japp Blonk, Miriam di Palma, Valérie Marestin, Amélia Cunni, Nona Hendrix, Chris Mann, Michiko Hirayama and Phill Minton at Institute for the Living Voice. Did intensive voice training at the Roy Hart International School with Kaya Anderson, Susanne Weins, Albino Bignamini and David Goldsworthy as well as with Jonathan Hart Makwaia and Rosemary Quinn. Has great experience in creating performances with people with no experience in the field. Has been working with body and voice in diverse contexts, some of them centred in chorus work and group creative dynamics.