CLÁUDIA GAIOLAS – Antiprincesas / Frida Kahlo

5 OCT 2024 / E.B. 1 Bairro Operário
5 OCT 2024 / 12h30
E.B. 1 Bairro Operário

Children and Families
M6 / 35'/ Upon reservation HERE

Very far from here, on the other side of the ocean, there is a country called Mexico. Me-xi-co.
In this place, a long time ago, a long time, lived a girl called Frida. Frida. Sounds like “wound” (ferida)? But it isn’t. It’s Frrrrrida. Frida Kahlo, the greatest painter of the world.

This project began in 2017 / 18 with a series of 4 performances from the book collection Antiprincesses, edited by Tinta-da-China and by EGEAC, about women who marked the history: the mexican painter Frida Kahlo, the chilean composer and singer Violeta Parra, the bolivarian military of indigenous origins, Juana Azurduy and the brazilian writer Clarice Lispector.
The willing to continue honoring exemplary women and providing children with alternatives female models, led to the creation of new plays about portuguese women: the poet Leonor, Marquesa de Alorna; Carolina Beatriz Ângelo, physician, feminist, the first woman to vote in Portugal; Antónia Rodrigues, sailor and knight from the 16th century; and Catarina Eufémia, a portuguese rural worker murdered following a strike.
They were ordinary women, heroines in real life who defied the canons and revolutionized the world through art, literature or politics. They were fighters, independent and passionate. The evocation of these true heroines underlines the evidence that life is not a “fairy tale”, and that it’s worth fighting for what you believe in.

Cláudia Gaiolas is an actress, stage director and associate artist of Teatro Meia Volta e Depois à Esquerda Quando Eu Disser.
She co-founded Teatro Praga and has worked with several collectives and artists as a performer, creator and assistant director.
She directed and co-directed several plays and performances and created the Antiprincesas cycle for the São Luiz Municipal Theatre.

Directed by: Cláudia Gaiolas
Performed by: Leonor Cabral
Dramaturgy: Alex Cassal
Set design and costumes: Ângela Rocha
Lighting design: Daniel Worm
Sound: Teresa Gentil
Photography: Estelle Valente
Executive Production: Armando Valente
Co-production: Teatro Meia Volta e Depois à Esquerda Quando Eu Disser, São Luiz Teatro Municipal
Commissioned by: São Luiz Teatro Municipal and Programação em Espaço PúblicoAntiprincesas Collection, published in partnership between Tinta-da-China and EGEAC.