Performing Arts for Young Audiences
1 > 5 OCT 2024 / Lagos

The ENCONTROS GYMNASIUM are a biennial programme aimed at a young audiences.

Created as an extension of the Gymnasium – Thought transformed Infinity into a Serpent project, it merges an already consolidated activity, strongly implemented in the city’s schools, with a dedicated program that privileges projects by artists invited to work in the schools each year – thus bringing the public sphere closer to the creative space and introducing the body of work of the artists with whom the children/youths share processes.

The project’s dual focus, based on a continuous dialogue between education and artistic creation, and on the principle of learning by doing & learning by seeing, provides a strong programmatic coherence, supported by the consistency of a path built up over 10 years.

This first edition of the ENCONTROS offers a 5 day multidisciplinary programme, to be held in different venues – including several schools of the city. It engages works from distinct universes, that revolve around words, sound, body and landscape, seeking to bring children and teenagers (and also the community) new and shared possibilities of living the artistic experience


Centro Cultural de Lagos
Rua Lançarote de Freitas, 7
(+351) 282 770 450

Biblioteca Municipal de Lagos Dr. Júlio Dantas
Rua Dr. Júlio Dantas, 4

(+351) 282 767 816

Espaço Jovem
Rua Gil Vicente, 50
(+351) 282 760 287

Escola Básica 1 Bairro Operário
Rua das Escolas Primárias, 7A

Escola Básica 2.3 das Naus
Largo da República 5

Todos os espectáculos são de entrada gratuita (sujeita à lotação dos espaços) mediante reserva obrigatória

Rita Conde:
(+351) 962 053 894

Mónica Samões:
(+351) 968 749 367
Joana Duarte:
‭(+351) 963 579 289‬‬‬


Artistic Direction: Mónica Samões
Production Direction: Joana Flor Duarte
Production Assistance: Maria João Alcobia
Executive production: Rita Conde
Technical Direction: Jorge Reis
Production and Logistical Support: Gabriela Reis, Lara Encarnação, Iris Rodrigues, Samira Cabral, Leonor Jónatas, Janice Lopes, Silvia Costa, Mónica Soares (Turma 12º P1 do Curso Profissional de Técnico de Organização de Eventos da Escola Secundária Júlio Dantas)
Graphic Design and Web: José Pelicano
Communication and Press: This is Ground Control

Production: casaBranca.ac
Financed by: República Portuguesa – Cultura / Direcção Geral das Artes, Município de Lagos
Local partners: Centro Cultural de Lagos, Biblioteca Municipal Dr. Júlio Dantas,
Escola Secundária Gil Eanes,
Escola Básica 2.3. das Naus (Agrupamento de Escolas Gil Eanes),
Escola Básica 1. Bairro Operário (Agrupamento de Escolas Júlio Dantas)
Support: LAC – Laboratório de Actividades Criativas, Teatro Experimental de Lagos,
Messe Militar de Lagos, Junta de Freguesia de S. Gonçalo de Lagos, Grupo Wotels, Lagorent
Agradecimentos: Marta Zilhão, Paula Pedroso, Isabel Carmo, Pedro Domingues,
Maria Natália Aguiar, Carla Palma, Luís Bordalo, Equipa Centro Cultural de Lagos – Vera Feu, Ana Paula Santos, Carlos Barradinha, Marco Mariano, João Fernandes,
Equipa de funcionárias da E.B.1 Bairro Operário, Ana Borralho & João Galante,
Clara Sampaio, Andrea Sozzi